Mogwai were awesome a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen these guys since they played 'Canes in San Diego back when I was in college. *gasp*. And a lot has passed since then. Before, I didn't really care much for them. I didn't particularly like their music, but didn't hate them either. I just remember my friend would play them constantly in her room and I would just shrug.
Now, my ear is a little more atuned (and a little more deaf) to music and Mogwai are in there with my good bands now. And after interviewing Barry, I like them even more.
They opened up with "Christmas Steps" with each band member arriving at different points during the song. All of them wore matching green track jackets in the beginning, but those were gone right quick once the show moved on.
This was a testosterone filled show, with the audience raising their fists in the air in approval of each song played. "We No Here" was loud but beautiful. "Friend of the Night" was beautifully done, and a welcome to all the noise that they played. But the definite highlight was "Glasgow Mega Snake" which was so damn loud but yet so invigorating that it made me feel alive.
Mogwai also played this one song whose title I don't recall. It's where they scared the living shit out of everyone. It didn't scare me that much, since I kind of knew what was coming. So, if you know the song, post a comment.
The last song they played dragged on for 20 minutes, with just noise and nothing else. I stayed 'til the very end, hoping they'd play more. They didn't. Nor was I rewarded with a poster. Nonetheless, it was a fantastic show and it made a Mogwai fan out of me.
Beer Rating:

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