Event Calendar

26 October 2004

Interpol (Warfield, 26 October 2004)

Beer Rating: 1-2 beers

Is it Halloween already? Why? Because all the freaks were out tonight at the Interpol show last night. Besides the Interpol boys looking sharp (Carlos D. was wearing a superb get up as well as the other members), there were certain crowd members who were down right annoying. Let me give some LOSER recognition to the girl who thought that Interpol was a trance band. This lame ass was dancing and was dressed as if she were at Burning Man. What a tool! Not only that, she was constantly having her pig tails hit me in the face and her dancing was constantly hitting me in the chest. So, I did what every person does in this situation: stick your elbow out so that when she hits you, she hits her spine and spit every now and then at her bag and umbrella if she's stupid enough to put it next to you. Yeah! I hope you had a sticky time lame ass!

Anyways, I digress. Interpol I have seen 3 times: once at the Fillmore, another at Curiosa, and tonight. This was, by far, the best Interpol show I have seen. Definitely the best show for the weekend. They were tight in every song, the lead singer had a great voice, and the crowd was awesome (despite the hippy chick). Interpol played a majority of songs from their new album, "Antics." "Slow Hands" received the best reception out of the lot (hmmm...I wonder why?). They also played a handful of songs from their debut album such as "PDA."

Thus, it was a fantastic show and I hope to see them again.

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