Event Calendar

27 May 2005

Stereo Total (Bimbo's, 26 May 2005)

There's something to be said about starting your show off on the right foot.

Stereo Total came tonight at Bimbo's with an audience full of beautiful people ready to dance. I mean, they were ready to dance! They were talking about it. prepping for it, and, most importantly, dressed for it. All their releases are very dancey. As Brezel Goring, the German half of Stereo Total, said to the crowd, "We are Stereo Total and we play dancey, disco, rock . . . rockabilly..." Well, he said something to that extent (he spoke too damn fast), but you get the drift.

Stereo Total started their set with three songs that were somewhat off. I just didn't get the vibe from these guys. I was perfectly still, although the drum machine was kicking and the synths and other gadgets in full effect. I can't pinpoint the reason why they started off that way, or why I felt that way, but they just did.

The show didn't get really lively until they were accompanied by their sidekick. I don't know who he is, but he sounded and acted like Kickin' Pele from The Hives. He was maniacal, he was crazy, he was just plain stupid and insane. But you know what? He was the jolt I needed. Stereo Total also played songs that I recognized at this point, including my personal favourite "L'Amour a Trois." For this song, not only was the extra member acting like a lunatic on speed, but they also had help from a lady in the audience doing some dancing. Granted, she didn't really add anything to the song or the atmosphere, but for some reason it hyped me up a bit.

From that point on, things got better. They played more songs from their new album, Do the Bambi, including the title track. More classic tracks were played, especially another favourite, "Supergirl." They also did off-beat covers such as Frank Sinatra's "My Way" and a Rolling Stones song that escapes me at the moment.

My friends were bored out of their mind for this show, even one declaring it the worst show of all time because Stereo Total had "no talent" whatsoever. Which is not really a stretch considering they barely played any instruments and everything was based on a recording. It was like karaoke with background props. But, it didn't dissuade me from enjoying the show. I even went back into the venue only to find them being accompanied by hordes of audience members dancing on stage. I think they did this for two songs, the last being a song about hating the disco.

By the way, there's this weird looking woman dancing on stage who constantly gave the audience members the finger. What a dimwit.

Anyways, slow start but it was a good finish.

Beer Rating: 3.5 Beers

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