I went to the Tussle show last night after spending a wonderful time with some friends at a birthday party. I was pretty psyched to see Tussle, since they always put on a good show. The simplicity of their sounds just makes you want to shuffle your feet.
As Charky and I made our way to the front, we all of a sudden entered a whole new dimension. It's like the freakin' Twilight Zone. First, I saw Tomo, the guy from Hey Willpower, manning the bass and some synths. I didn't even know he was part of Tussle now. And what's with all these electronic gizmos on stage? They had gizmos before, but it seems way over the top now. And, to cap it all off, I was surrounded by these Bonchees. I'm like, huh? What happened to the indie kids who went to theTussle show when they supported The Gossip and Numbers? Or when Tussle played Hotel Utah? Very weird.
This was their album release party, so I was expecting to hear a lot of new songs, which I did. The new songs were good, but not as simple and straightforward as Kling Klang. It was more sophisticated, advanced and electronic. Which is great and all, but what I liked about Tussle was the overall simplicity of their sound. Nothing but percussion, and none of that filler.
I don't know the names of any of their new songs, but they just played it and I liked what I heard. And I would have enjoyed it more if that stupid Amazonian woman would stop slithering her way through the crowd and standing right in front of me. Like, what the hell Bonch? And please stop pressing your body against mine. I know I'm hot and all, but you're not my type and I'm not going to stoop to your Bonch dance style. Oh, and there was this other girl who, from behind, looked like someone I knew. It weirded me out and I wanted to hide. Of course, I was okay because of the Amazonian covering my entire view.
Tussle ended their main set with "Here it Comes" from Kling Klang. For this song, they invited the crowd to participate. They handed out various percussion instruments such as cow bells and drum sticks to pound on beer glasses, Red Stripes (it was a $1 off that night) and whatever else they can get their hands on. It was fun, seeing all of them participate. Hell, even the Bonch girls contributed by banging on the drummer's cymbal and they actually had some rhythm. Good job Bonch girls.
Like the Dears show the night before, I left after the main set. Looking forward to the chilly evening air I was about to encounter as I ride my bike back home.
Beer Rating:
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