Event Calendar

10 December 2006

The Faint, Ladytron (Hollywood Palladium, 7 December 2006)

Here we go again.

I flew down to Los Angeles to see The Faint play with Ladytron and Ratatat at the crappy Palladium. I haven't been to the Palladium since Blur played there in 1997. I wasn't excited to see a band play there then, and I certainly wasn't pleased to see a show there nine years later.

What I forgot to mention in my previous post was that this whole thing was sponsored by Camel cigarettes. I have no problem with certain advertisers promoting a show, but something about cigarettes makes me feel uneasy. Well, whatever. The only weird part was seeing all this Camel paraphanelia everywhere. Otherwise, I didn't pay much attention to all that.

I didn't see Ratatat, but I would imagine their set was similar to their S.F. one.

Ladytron I saw and they were pretty good. They were better when I saw them play the Fillmore because of the visuals. And I think they were in better spirits. It was the 5th time they played L.A. and they played pretty much the same songs they've been playing the entire tour. I was in the back for their set, and danced accordingly to "Destroy Everything You Touch" and "Seventeen."

Then the Faint. They started off with the same song, but I didn't have the drive to go see them up close.

That was my initial feeling. When I saw Blur at the same venue nine years earlier, I was in the same disposition. Then when the second song played, I made a mad dash to the front.

And I did the same thing here.

Same exact set list. I got more bruises, sore muscles and plenty of sweat. My size S shirt turned into an XL.

Cheers to the security guards for keeping an eye on the crowd and giving us water. I am eternally grateful.

Beer Rating: 0 Beer

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