This is the last show of my Oasis concert tour for California. Unlike the previous two shows in San Francisco and Los Angeles, I actually sat down and saw all three bands. This is an especially memorable show because it marks the first time me and my friend John saw Oasis. We were supposed to see them at the Universal Amphitheatre back in 1995 (God!) but they cancelled that show. And this was an event 10 years in the making. So, nostalgia all around.
We missed a couple of songs from Kasabian's set, but they were nonetheless as tight and awesome as they ever were. We caught "Club Foot" and "Processed Beats" which is good enough in my book. The crowd was still semi-sparse at the venue, but there were a handful of people in the front standing up and giving Kasabian some love, me included. John was impressed even though he heard only a few songs before. I'm definitely seeing their entire set when I go to Austin next week.
I also sat through Jet, which is not that bad if you have an open mind. I was closed minded when I saw them in S.F. and L.A. Yes, they are very generic rock but somehow, in San Diego, they were pretty damn good. Most of the songs I recognized for once. "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" and "Look What You've Done" were done really well as long as the other songs. They weren't this cheezy this time actually, minimizing the "yeahs" and the long pauses between songs to incite the crowd.
And then, of course, Oasis. Fuck this band is just hot. Liam was wearing some shortened trench coat and white shirt. Noel was wearing the same thing. Gem was looking good with a pink long sleeved shirt and suit jacket. Andy was wearing something similar, except with an Adidas shirt inside his suit jacket. Zack was also wearing something similar.
The setlist was exactly the same as previous nights. Here it is:
Turn Up The Sun
Bring It On Down
Morning Glory
Importance of Being Idle
A Bell Will Ring
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Live Forever
Mucky Fingers
Champagne Supernova
Rock N Roll Star
Guess God Thinks I'm Abel
Meaning of Soul
Don't Look Back in Anger
My Generation
Needless to say, like previous nights, I was singing my heart out and mimicing everything that Liam did on stage. Like previous nights, Liam was very grateful and playful with the audience, giving his tambourine to a youngster in the front after "Morning Glory" and then giving another to three bitches after "My Generation." He again dedicated "Live Forever" to the people of New Orleans and Noel said "gracias" a couple of times for the Mexican contingency.
I can go on and on and on on how Oasis were just spectacular tonight as in previous nights. But I just want to reflect on these three shows.
The thing that made these shows great were the people I was with. From Kat, Jason, Sara and Minh-Lan in S.F., Chris in L.A. and John in S.D., all these guys were willing to put up with my antics and my sing-a-longs.
Singing along to an Oasis song brings back a flood of memories. As Sara said, "I felt like a 15 year old again." Well, I felt like an 18 year old when I sang my heart out to "Live Forever" or had my arm wrapped around the shoulders of Chris during "Champagne Supernova" and "Don't Look Back in Anger." It's the memories behind these songs that makes Oasis so great. It's like each song represents a time capsule in my life and singing the songs is like opening up that capsule and looking through the things in it.
Also, the camraderie involved makes the songs great. Good people around can make any show worthwhile. This was one of them.
Of course, I don't want to take away the credit that is due to the band themselves who played each song with such intensity and professionalism that is unparalleled in the music business. Liam's no-nonsense, rock star attitude on-stage also adds to the show's greatness.
But the combination of friends, memories and Oasis is just potent. They should bottle this shit and give it to anyone depressed.
"Don't put your life in the hands, of a rock n roll band." Well, I did and I have no regrets whatsoever.
Beer Rating:
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