If you remember my article on Mesh regarding Bloc Party a few months ago, I predicted that this band will be so huge (since the hype was justified) that they'll play Fillmore and Warfield sometime soon. Well, Bloc Party indeed played the Fillmore not too long ago and now they just played the Warfield.
You know a band is getting big by virtue of them playing a different sized venue in S.F. for each visit. The hierarchy of "major" venues in S.F. goes something like, from lowest to highest: Bottom of the Hill, Cafe Du Nord, Great American, Slim's, The Fillmore, The Warfield, Bill Graham and Shoreline. Well, Bloc Party started off at Bottom of the Hill, then went to Popscene, then Slim's, Fillmore, respectively, and, now Warfield.
I bought a ticket to this show since a friend of mine loved Bloc Party so much. So I went and I had a great time. They started off with "Positive Tension" which was a weird song to start off with since they started with "Like Eating Glass" for the other shows. The crowd was rowdy when they came in, but they were a bit weirded out by the start of this song.
This "weirdness" subsided when the third or fourth song they played was "Banquet." At this point, me and my friends wanted to jump around and "Banquet" was the perfect song to do it to. I love this song, especially the Phones Disco Remix. "Banquet" energized the crowd and got me mad hopping around. Everyone was dancing non-stop. I liked it so much that I wished they'd do the Gorillaz thing and repeat this song in the encore. They didn't. =-(
Another highlight was their old songs from the EPs. "The Marshalls Forever" and "Little Thoughts" were fantastic! A lot of the crowd didn't recognize the songs, since Silent Alarm is probably the only album from Bloc Party they owned.
Bloc Party also played a bunch of new songs. I don't remember anything distinct about them from their current material -- which is a good thing. Why fix something that isn't broke?
I forgot what the last song they played was, or whether it was truly their last song. They stopped "Helicopter" mid-way to save a somewhat injured woman from the crowd. See, Bloc Party is against all things "moshing" or people getting hurt in their shows. They take it so seriously that they warned people at their Fillmore show about it and did the same thing here. Kele chastised the crowd, along with bassist Gordon, that they don't want to see people injured and that the crowd should behave themselves better.
After Kele helped the girl up the stage and took her backstage for some aid, they continued where they left off. Then they left the stage, in what seemed to be in disgust. They came back after a few minutes and informed the crowd that the girl was alright and further informed the crowd to temper their rowdy behavior.
They then played more songs, some new ones. They also played another encore, which I missed since I needed to use the WC.
Another entertaining show by Bloc Party.
Beer Rating:
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