Event Calendar

04 September 2006

The Format (Slim's, 28 August 2006)

I only knew one Format song coming into this show. That song, "Time Bomb" was just a very catch indie pop tune. It was good. And I wanted to know more about these guys, so I checked them out at Slim's.

Maybe I shouldn't have. I went in there and it was an absolute teen fest. Maybe there were some older 1st or 2nd year college kids there too, but it was just too much for me to handle. I felt like I was at the Bait Shop in The OC. I was just waiting for Seth to find out that Summer is dating some other douche bag, or maybe Ryan will catch Marissa snorting coke again in the bathroom. I don't know. Whatever. I was actually hoping either of those events would happen, but it didn't happen.

Instead, I got treated to an MTV $2 bill concert gone bad. All these screaming idiots and their parents that went with them. Ugh. I needed more alcolhol to even enjoy it.

The Format, to their credit, are not bad musicians. They started off with "Dog Problems" and it was pretty good. But then it went downhill from there. I was so annoyed by everything around me that I just left and didn't even wait for "Time Bomb."

Beer Rating:

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