The Moz looked good for being the old geezer that he is. I can only hope to be in that shape when I am old. His voice was top notch, and he was very animated. Talking with his die hard fans in the front, who he knows by first name. His backing band was also very tight, playing each chord and beat with so much "umph" and gusto.
The Moz played a lot of songs from his latest release, but it was the classic Smiths and earlier Moz tunes that stood out to me. Although the new songs were great, the earlier stuff carried the nostalgia I was craving. "The Queen is Dead" was surprising, but "The Boy With the Thorn in His Side" was even better. A spine tingling rendition of "Everyday is Like Sunday" and "How Soon is Now?" also made this a memorable show.
Beer Rating:
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