The place was packed and it wasn't seeping with a bunch of youngsters like his previous shows in Berkeley. M. Ward was also with Conor during this show. We made a bet to see how many times "I Love You Conor!" would be shouted, but it was less than five. Quite a departure from the previous days where every momentary pause was greeted with such "I Love You" praises.
The songs off Cassadaga will be a bit folky. That's what a majority of the new songs sound like and it was good. However, there was this certain "umph" that was missing in these new songs that I'm sure will disappear once I hear the whole album. Even the song that I do know, "Endless Entertainment," lacked the enthusiasm of the songs from Wide Awake. The songs that he played from the Four Winds EP sounded great.
Maybe what's also lacking is the presence that Conor used to have. Instead of having that emo part in his hair, he now has this ridiculously long do that doesn't do much for his appearance. He now looks older. I have a belief that fugly bands are distracting live, hence making their live music appear "blah." For example, The Notwist. Great songs, but the band is just fugly, thus show was lackluster. Conor. Great songs, but he is fugly now, and the show was just so-so.
He did play some older songs that were greeted with much applause. I think one from Wide Awake and another from Lifted... Since I saw the show weeks ago, I forgot.
Beer Rating:
1 comment:
can't be a heartthrob 4evr
he's jaded and tired and thinks
he's an old man already i bet
(unless you think my chem ical romance is hot_
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