Hot Chip (Mezzanine, 17 November 2006)
To this day, I'm not that impressed with Hot Chip's album. I mean, "Over and Over" is easily in my Top 5 songs of 2006. But, overall, the album is just so-so. I was supposed to see them the first time they came to the Independent, but opted for rest rather than going. My friends said they enjoyed them. But that could have been the alcohol talking. So, I bought a ticket, hoping that I can be proven wrong.
In some ways I was, otherwise it was okay. The company was great, but the show itself was just so-so. They did mix their songs well and they sounded pretty good. But I just couldn't get into it. No matter how hard I tried. I had plenty of drinks too, and it still didn't help. And their rendition of "Over and Over" was okay.
Eh? Yeah, I don't know.
Beer Rating:

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