So, Phoenix. I saw these guys at Coachella and wasn't that impressed with their new material. However, after listening a bit more to It's Never Been Like That, the new songs grew on me.
With a big banner that displays the Phoenix crest and with a bunch of well-dressed French blokes, the crowd cheered on Phoenix as they strutted out to the stage. They opened up with "Napoleon Says," which is also the first track of the new album. A great way to energize the crowd, and from that point on, it seems like the crowd's enthusiastic energy was pretty much consistent throughout their 80 minute set.
Although the new songs did get some love like "Sometimes in the Fall," it was the older songs from United and Alphabetical that got the biggest reaction. "Everything is Everything," with it's disco sound got the whole crowd dancing. Even the annoying couple in front of me who thought they were the finalists for Dancing with the Stars. Losers. "Run Run Run" also had the same reaction, although a bit more mellow.
Of course, the biggest reaction came when Phoenix did "If I Ever Feel Better." And as is customary when they play this song, they mix it with the traditional version from United and then mix it with some rock elements towards the end. I love this version, and it adds some much needed edge to this song.
Sophia Coppola would be proud.
Beer Rating:
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