Songs from the new album dominated the set. Definite highlights was the upbeat Lloyd Cole inspired song "Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken" and the dancey, with that Green Day sounding opening bass, song "If Looks Could Kill." The 60's infused pop sound was just all over these songs and the crowd danced in their own little, confined space way. The live versions of these songs was a little bit more rough than the album (obviously) but it was still very enjoyable. Synchronized clapping happened during "I Need All the Friends I Can Get," again with its 60's pop sounding guitar.
Older songs from Underachievers Please Try Harder include the slow and pretty "Suspended from Class" and "Keep it Clean." The crowd also got a kick when the band ended their encore with the Stuart Murdoch produced "Eightie's Fan" from Biggest Bluest Hi-Fi. Lyrics like "tell me, do you wash your hair with honeydew?" just makes this song ooze with tweeness.
Just twee. Twee all over the place. Everyone was twee. Even the tough looking Camera Obscura members looked way too twee. It was just twee-tastic.
Beer Rating:
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