Clap Your Hands played in front of a sold out crowd at GAMH. They were highly anticipated, and I was super excited to see them play. They are one of my favourite bands at the moment, and I crowned their self-titled release last year's album of the year. Shit, I even flew to NYC to spend NYE with them at Irving Plaza. So, my devotion and love of this band is not to be messed with.
Well, it was messed with last night and I'm so utterly pissed. It ruined the entire show for me. As hard as I tried to place my attention to what's on stage, it was, instead, focused on two bumbling idiots. One was this guy dressed in a black, pinstriped shirt who had hair like He Man and a face like a retarded Owen Wilson. His partner in crime is his Sadie Hawkins partner (they both dressed alike: same shirt) cum girlfriend who not only recognized his bafoonery and our annoyance at him, but seemed to encourage his actions. She looks like Kirsten Dunst...hit by a fucking Santa Fe cargo train.
This guy was fucking annoying. He was drunk as all fuck. But, see, his dancing didn't annoy me too much but the fact that he was dancing with utter disregard to the people around him made me lose focus on the band. His arms were constantly in my face. His back was repeatedly hitting me and others around me. He clapped his hands at the most inopportune times during the band's set. So much so that the hand claps overpowered Alec's vocals in the most exciting of songs like "In This Home on Ice" and "Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth."
I hope you get what you deserved you retarded, drunk, psycho fuck. You dance like Right Said Fred with a kilt. I take that back, Right Said Fred danced way better than you! You can't decide whether you're straight or gay with your dancing. Just stick with one, okay? And spare us your hip and ass shaking.
As you can tell, Retarded Owen Wilson and Train Wreck Dunst totally ruined this show for me. However, there is still another night and I hope that it'll be more enjoyable than last nights.
Musically, Clap Your Hands were great. I haven't heard Alec's voice since January, so when he opened up his set with "Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away," I was a bit taken aback. But Alec's crooning was familiar again in the subsequent songs. "In This Home on Ice" was great sounding and the crowd seemed to love it. Biggest hops and applause came when they played "Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth." They also played 2 or 3 new songs which sounded good but not as good as anything off their LP. Live non-album staples like "Graceful Retreat" and "Cigarettes" were also played. They ended their set with the fabulous "Satan Said Dance" which is my favourite song. But it was ruined by...nevermind.
They came back for an encore where they played "Clap Your Hands!" I think they played "Me and You Watson" during this time as well. When I watched them from the balcony during their encore, they really shined and I was enjoying it a lot more from above. It was so nice to get away from those idiots downstairs...but I digress.
Overall, Clap Your Hands played well but my enjoyment was destroyed by two idiots.
Beer Rating:
It sorta reminded me of that Nick Cave/Warfield show when an audience member literally crapped up the good time.
speaking of crap: THE BRUNETTES NEED TO CUT THAT SHIT OUT. I'm sick of their contrieved bullshit with the incessant cute cute over the top CUTE hand claps, xylaphones, whistle, triangle, big fake roses on their mike stands (how bout you practice before thinking prop arrangements?) and rockin out with a clarinet wearing baby mary kate and ashley paper masks (to no punchline).
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