There was this band called the Two Tears. They were pretty good but I barely saw them. The stage at the Hemlock isn't really tall. Even worse than Popscene. But from what I heard, they were alright.
Japanther are these two crazy guys from Hamilton, Ontario apparently. The crowd went ape shit for these guys, jumping around like crazy and all that. I can't describe how good and fun these guys were, but let me take an excerpt from a fellow #1 person describing them:
"Japanther tried to steal the show--
How dare they take almost an HOUR to set up?
How dare does he have a rad lookin afro?
How dare does the drummer / singer set up his drum set so that he's SITTING down on the floor
/not the stage), and have his back turned to the audience?
How dare they play that song AGAIN ("I think we need
to play that song again") (N.B.: Referring to "River Phoenix" song)!
How dare they say this is our last two songs but play five or six more !
and on and on
How dare the fucken crowd be soooooooooooooo fucken crowded
for that band (ok, they were REALLY good, really energetic
and the crowd was rockin moshin out and it was fun."
That sums it up nicely for Japanther.
As for Hey Willpower, I'll let my #1 person describe part of that as well:
"Hey Willpower was soooooo fun"
They did all their typical songs like "Hundredaire" and "Magic Window" as they are accustomed to doing. But they also did a mash up of Annie's "Chewing Gum" which was great, great fun! And they have a new dancer apparently. He's pretty damn good. Again, to quote my friend:
"Hey Willpower didn't get to go on til 12:45am (that's technically the day AFTER valentine's day, fyi). It was a really fun show. Will at one point got his shirt taken off (then later his face wiped off by a front row girl's hankey, then later his chest by another girl's hanky --what's up oh you
didn't get the memo? Hanky codes are BACK for girls, straight girls tryin to get with
gay boys gay dreamy boys) ."
I think that sums it up nicely....
Beer Rating:
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