I did just that with this ridiculous show full of cover bands. I think the names of each band adequately explains which band they cover, but just in case you are musically inept and been born before 1990, Violator is a Depeche Mode cover band, Stung is a Police/Sting cover band and Zoo Station covers U2.
I didn't get a chance to see Violator, but I talked to people who did and they enjoyed them. They weren't exactly good, but they're just cheeky.
I did catch Stung and they did play the Police and Sting covers pretty well. I think they're British, or at least not American, so that made their sound a little more valid compared to other cover acts. From the songs I recall, they did "Roxanne," "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da," and "Every Breath You Take." I think they also did a Marley cover, but that was just beyond me. They were convincing, and if you close your eyes, you may just think you are truly listening to the real deal.
Then followed Zoo Station. U2's current tour features Arcade Fire's "Wake Up" as their entrance song. Well, these guys did just that: walked in to "Wake Up." I couldn't believe it. They really did their research and they truly are U2 die hards. Much to our enjoyment, my friends and I sang "Wake Up" while waiting for Zoo Station to come on. I forgot what they opened up with, but the songs I recall them playing were "Beautful Day," "Elevation," and "Vertigo." From their looks -- the lead singer convincingly looks like Bono and the Edge impersonator was a little heftier than the real deal but he got the beanie -- these guys really thought and acted like how the true members of U2 would. It was crazy. I had to shake my head in disbelief (and partial shame) for these guys. As cheeky and cheezy as they are, I have to admit that they played the U2 songs very, very well. They're good musicians, no doubt, but are they wasting their talents by doing covers? That's up for debate and discussion.
The surprising thing about this show is that it was sold out. It was packed. I've never been to a concert at Slim's this packed before. Maybe Kasabian/The Sounds comes close, but it was so packed that I felt like a sardine in a sardine can. The crowd was also a bit "old" for me, with a majority of the folks in their mid 30's to low 50's. Not that I'm a youngin' by any means, but I'm just used to the twenty something crowd.
For it's sheer entertainment value (and monetary value) this was an enjoyable show. Of course, I needed some help from the Grey Goose to make it worthwhile.
Beer Rating:
Cover band shows are always packed. People hate new music. It's always dudes in Dockers and collared shirts with Mooses (meese, moosie?) on them. Wankers. The guys in the band all act like fucking rock stars off stage too. Delusional. It is my personal opinion that most people in cover bands should have the living crap kicked out of them (with exceptions).
i second everything you say!
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