Event Calendar

01 February 2005

New/Updated Shows For Week of January 31st

The following shows were either added or updated in the Music Calendar. Most of these shows are going on sale this weekend:

  1. March 8: Kings of Convenience @ GAMH
  2. March 22: Kaiser Chiefs @ Slim's (conflicts with Decemberists - damn it!!)
  3. April 3: The Soundtrack of Our Lives @ GAMH
  4. April 28: The Fiery Furnaces / Dios Malos @ GAMH
  5. April 29: The Fiery Furnaces / Dios Malos @ GAMH
  6. April 30: Coachella @ Empire Polo Field, Indio, CA
  7. May 1: Coachella @ Empire Polo Field, Indio, CA
  8. May 3: Raveonettes @ GAMH
  9. June 1: Of Montreal @ GAMH

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