If 2004 was an eventful year in shows, it is only fitting that 2004 was also an eventful year in album releases. Below, you will find my top twelve favorite albums of 2004. I narrowed it down to 12 from 50, so there are some really noteworthy albums missing from this lot.
I was never a big fan of the whole "instrumental only" type music until just a couple of years ago with some Mogwai I heard. Add Ratatat to the pack. These two New Yorkers, and it's just two of them, make excellent sounds that you can dance to or just sit back and relax. Live, these guys are great and it's amazing how much noise they can emit out of just two guitars and some synths. They also make a great Mix CD.
These guys are the biggest pussies you will ever meet. Their songs are soft as hell, their video for "I'd Rather Dance With You" features little girls in tutus, and they don't look that intimidating either. However, they do make some of the best mood music around. Erlend Øye's soft voice accompanied by the simple guitars make this a KOC classic.
I only recently came upon this album and I have to admit, I love this excellent album. Music is really dancey, and pretty hard to describe (also, it's 12:22am right now). Bust this album out on your next scenester party and even the scenester will wonder who the hell these guys are. You are more scenester than the scenesters! Is that possible?
If The Go! Team album above makes you a scenester among scenesters, this album will relegate you with the lesser, more laid back Coldplay crowd. Don't tell Keane fans though that Keane sounds like Coldplay and vice versa. Because they will kill you! It's amazing what a band can do without a guitar. The piano arrangements are great and it's just good music to listen to. Yeah, they sound like Coldplay. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I like this CD!
Thank you Pitchforkmedia for recommending me this album! At first, I thought she was all electroclash but when I listened to this album, it resembled pop at it's finest! Has that Kylie Minogue vibe without the sluttiness included. "Heartbeat" is one of the greatest songs of 2004 and it brings me back to my junior high days. Annie should do a mall tour ala Tiffany. That would rock!
"I'm So Excited!" That's the best way to describe this album. I'm just excited everytime I hear this song. That's why I love this album.
It was hard to imagine how Interpol could improve on their debut album. Well, this album is not quite as good as their first, but is still a great one. This album went far above my expectations, with Interpol doing what they do best - sounding like Joy Division with a little more edge. "Slow Hands" definitely has that nice sound that makes me want to kick that damn hippy standing in front of me at this show. Damn that bitch! I'm going to run her over with my Hummer when I see her.
Although not as good as their previous releases, Wet From Birth continues the Faint tradition of relying heavily on synths and using obscure phallic references in their songs. Definitely dancey, definitely good.
Can there be anything sweeter than Jenny's voice in this album? Although Execution of All Things is a tad bit better, More Adventurous continues where Execution of All Things left off.
There's something inherently simple about this band. That's why they are #3. No hoopla. Just straight up rock that is heavily Britpop influenced. The guitar work is simple, yet astounding. There is not one bad song in this album, and I've listened to it ad nauseum the entire year.
These guys are just amazing. Although the band is now played out, this album truly stands out from the crowd. In a world where the 80s are trying to make a revival, Franz Ferdinand definitely resurrected it with this new wave style album. "Take Me Out" is the anthem of 2004 in my book. So much so that it is my ringtone. I'm getting sick of the sound, but it's definitely a song I still go crazy for on the dance floor.
God, is there anything these guys can't do wrong? First, I crowned them as being the best live band this year. Now, I crown them as having the best damn album on the planet. I was listening to this album just a few minutes ago and I still get shivers everytime I hear "Wake Up." Just listening to that song reminds me of their show at the BoH where they opened up with that song and how all the band members were yelling from the top of their lungs the opening line to the song. Damn! I bow down to you Arcade Fire! We are not worthy!
1 comment:
I was reading your list and thinking, "Damn, I'm going to put the beat down on him if he doesn't include the Arcade Fire and Franz Ferdinand." And Lo! you did. Cheers.
Robin in NC
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