Event Calendar

22 February 2006

St. Etienne, Every Move a Picture (The Fillmore, 17 February 2006)

St. Etienne are one of those bands that was at its apex in the 1990's, when britpop was the new "indie". Unlike most of those bands, St. Etienne remained and withstood the test of time as they released album after album after album. Not only are the members of St. Etienne talented musicians with a penchant for catchy hooks and equally catchy lyrics, but they are fronted by one of the most dynamic female singers of all time: Sarah Cracknell.

Being in a band for over a decade can take its toll -- physically and mentally. However, Sarah didn't show any of that when she and the rest of St. Etienne performed in front of a sold out crowd at the Fillmore. Her diva status was reaffirmed when she took the stage with chants of "Sarah! Sarah!" and men of all ages, gay or straight, were in awe at Sarah's beauty. She must be in her mid-30s or (gasp) somewhere in her 40's, but regardless, she looked amazing.

They opened up with "Lightning Strikes Twice" from their new album Tales from Turnpike House. The instrumentation was flawless, and Sarah's voice resonated loud and clear through the speakers. Sarah's stage presence was equally felt, not only with her beauty but with her subtle dances and the occassional smile to the crowd.

Although songs from Turnpike House were well received, it wasn't until the classics did the crowd go wild. Recognizing this, the band next played "Sylvie" which ignited the crowd. The band got their loudest applause during the two encores. For the first encore, they played "Like a Motorway" and the infectiously dancy "Nothing Can Stop Us." For the second encore, they played another dance classic, "People Get Real."

The opening band was Every Move a Picture, a local San Francisco electro/indie rock outfit. Their songs are very catchy, their attire is excellent, but the sound in the Fillmore did not benefit them. At several points throughout the show, the lead singer's voice was drowned by the ever powerful guitars and bass. Regardless, they played their hits and received a warm round of applause and a bouquet of flowers.

Beer Rating:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw them at the (sucky) avalon last saturday and the show rocked my socks. sarah still looks gorgeous!

-"los angeles" robin