Event Calendar

28 August 2008

Radiohead (Cricket Amphiteatre, Chula Vista, 27 August 2008)

It's been months since I last saw a live show. And what better way to end that streak by watching one of the greatest live acts in the world: Radiohead.

Getting to the amphitheatre from the freeway was a nightmare. We did manage to find a short cut that cut our entry time in half. We did miss the Liars though, but that wasn't really a big factor.

I last saw Radiohead in Chula Vista during the Hail to the Thief tour when I won that Capitol Records contest. I got a digital camera and a photo pass for the firs tthree songs of their set. And I saw them in the pit. It was sweet. Yesterday though, I sat in the 205 section, but at least I got to take in all the great lighting effects that accompanied each song.

1. 15 Step

2. Airbag - It was great to hear this song again. Although In Rainbows is a great album, today I longed for anything pre-Kid A. So having Airbag played second got my blood pumping, with the hope that a good chunk of their set will be classics.

3. There There - I wante do jump up and down during this song. It wasn't as fun since I was inhibited by seats and what not. But they sounded great.

4. All I Need - Not a favourite song of mine, but now I appreciate it even more than before.

5. Nude - Beautiful. I still like to call this song "Big Ideas (Don't Get Any)" though.

6. Talk Show Host - Surprise, surprise! The light show was equally spectacular.

7. Where I End and You Begin - Love the bass lines.

8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - It was OK.

9. The Gloaming - Thom dancing. Enough said.

10. Faust Arp - It was OK.

11. How To Disappear Completely - I get chills everytime Thom says "I'm not here" near the end of the song.

12. Reckoner

13. Optimistic - I'm still trying to figure out if I ever heard this song live before. I'm sure I have, but I don't remember. Sounded good, although Thom's vocals sounded a bit lazy.

14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place - My favourite song from In Rainbows was reinforced by this amazing live rendition.

15. Pyramid Song - Beautiful. Each time, every time.

16. Climbing Up The Walls - I don't like this song live. But it was nice to hear a song from OK Computer nonetheless.

17. Bodysnatchers
18. House of Cards

19. You And Whose Army? - Thom laughed during the beginning of the song because he couldn't contain himself since his face was so close to the camera. He's been doing this for a long time but this one was nice because I saw Thom laughing and enjoying himself.

20. Just - The crowd erupted when we heard this. Yes to Bends.

21. Paranoid Android - Keep it coming! My goodness, I loved this moment and hoped that they never stopped playing.

22. Street Spirit (Fade Out) - Chills. Nothing but chills.

23. Videotape - At this point, I wish the concert would go on forever.

24. Lucky
25. Everything In Its Right Place - A sad way to end, but it was refreshing to see something other than "Forever" flashing on the screen. Instead, it was "Everything."

A magical night. Not the best Radiohead show I've ever seen (Berkeley, night two in 2007 was better), but it was solid from start to finish.